Sunday, November 11, 2007

Kara Elmore Photography was HERE!

I am the luckiest girl EVER! Not only did I get to have Kara and her BABElicious come stay with me for a few days....but she took my family photos too! We had sooo much fun and I wish she would move here....hint hint to her hubby!
Here are just a few from the shoot!
oops--- the link to Kara was wrong! I have fixed it now.


kara jayne said...

the colors in this are fabulous. I love the colors you all are wearing too! i'm so excited for you.

Anonymous said...

YAY that it's UP! Ohhh can't wait to post some of you guys! And I think I'll be wearing the same thing for my family pics! Wanna come up and take them for me??? How 'bout an early Christmas??? I miss you already - but you knew that! I looooooooooved being up there - and YES I'm "hinting" to Nate. ;0)